“With hindsight being 20/20, we learned some lessons that we wish we knew in advance. Here are some tips to help you as you try to locate the perfect property to build your brewery...”
“There’s a saying that you can have the right space, in the right location, at the right price - but you can’t have all three at the same time. How true that is…”
“If you want to start a brewery, you probably should have started writing your business plan a year ago. It’s never too late though; start now, and be prepared to update it often.”
“For all that – the blood, the sweat and the stinging toxic tears from paint falling into my eyes when I forgot to put my goggles back on my face - we wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“The idea of a physical cabin is merely a metaphor. In our case it’s a brewery and getaway in the heart of a booming part of town with a heart and soul that burns warm like the coals in a potbelly stove…”
“As we sat around the dining table during that first meeting and looked each other in the eye, we knew there was a spark. We could see the future, and we were nervously excited…”
“A lot goes into starting a brewery, more than we could ever have thought. We knew it was going to be hard work, but man… It’s definitely not all pints and parties…”